
Hi Everyone,

Here is a common question:

What is the difference between ADempiere's or iDempiere's Void and Reverse Correct document action?

The reality is that you can choose any option, and the system will make the right decision behind the scenes. If you choose Void on a completed document, the system will call the Reverse Correct method. Therefore, it does not matter which option you choose. Here are some additional details.

Here are the Void behaviors:

  1. Void is geared toward a document that has not been completed.
  2. Void sets the document status to ‘Voided’.
  3. Void updates line quantities to 0.
  4. No other document is created to counter the original voided document.
  5. Behind the scenes, Void calls on the document’s VoidIt() method.

Here are the Reverse Correct behaviors:

  1. Reverse Correct is geared toward a document that has been completed and therefore, possibly posted.
  2. Reverse Correct sets the document status to ‘Reversed’
  3. Reverse Correct leaves the line quantities alone.
  4. Reverse Correct creates a counter or negative document to generate the opposite accounting and material effects of the original document. The original document’s description will be updated to point to the negative document.
  5. Behind the scenes, Reverse Correct calls on the document’s ReverseIt() method.
  6. If Void is called on a Completed document, the system will actually call the ReverseIt() method. The only difference is the original document’s status will read ‘Voided’ instead of ‘Reversed’

I hope this helps!!!

Please note that ADempiere, iDempiere and Openbravo are forks or copies from Compiere. Therefore, they have similar abilities mentioned above. The biggest difference is that ADempiere and iDempiere are pure open source. There are no features held behind a commercial or paid license.



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