Running iDempiere, Open Source ERP, on a Micro AWS Instance

Hi Everyone, Here is a common question: “Can iDempiere run on a micro AWS instance?” Answer: yes. Another question: “How many iDempiere users can you support using the micro AWS instance?” Answer: between 1 and 3 concurrent users (more if

ADempiere and iDempiere – Mass Create Missing Cost Records

Hi Everyone, The purpose of this post is to remind me later when I need a query to create missing costing records. Copy execute the below query into pgadmin: select ‘insert into m_cost values(‘||p.ad_client_id||’, 0, ‘||p.m_product_id||’, 1000000, 1000000, ‘||ce.m_costelement_id||’, 0,

Install iDempiere, Open Source ERP, on a AWS Linux Server in 10 Min

Hi Everyone, The purpose of this post is to record how to quickly install iDempiere on an AWS Ubuntu server. You do not need to use AWS. Any modern Ubuntu server should do fine. *** Update (06/08/2014): The below script

ADempiere AMI Virtual Appliance on AWS

Hi Everyone, My mission is to make ADempiere, iDempiere and open source ERP easier to prove and deploy. In an effort to support this mission, I have created an ADempiere AMI virtual appliance or virtual machine. This machine helps illustrate