ADempiere and iDempiere – Mass Create Missing Cost Records

Hi Everyone, The purpose of this post is to remind me later when I need a query to create missing costing records. Copy execute the below query into pgadmin: select ‘insert into m_cost values(‘||p.ad_client_id||’, 0, ‘||p.m_product_id||’, 1000000, 1000000, ‘||ce.m_costelement_id||’, 0,

Goals for ERP – Accuracy, Productivity, Insight and Accountability

Hi Everyone, Everything you do during an ERP installation revolves around these four goals: Accuracy Productivity Insight Accountability You might think this is an overly-simplified statement, but when you read this article, you realize all the effort that goes into

ERP Best Practices – Shipping, Receiving and Invoicing Notes

Hi Everyone, The purpose of this post is to share ADempiere and iDempiere, open source ERP, best practices when communicating notes and instruction between order entry, receiving, fulfillment and invoicing. This topic is commonly discussed in high-volume wholesale distribution and