
Hi Everyone,

The purpose of this article is to share a best practice implementation for managing daily bank balances. When you use asset based lending, you only want to borrow the minimum amount on a daily basis to help reduce interest expenses. If you know what is expected to clear in the next few days, you can best manage your cash.

The article shows you how to accomplish this goal using ADempiere and iDempiere, free and open source ERP. For those of you who are not familiar, ADempiere is well-suited for wholesale\web distribution and light-manufacturing companies with between 20 to 300 concurrent users. If you implement the below queries, the result will help you monitor balances in all accounts in all currencies even when the payments are in mixed currencies.

The below queries help you know your to-the-day cash positions. If you are not familiar with modifying ADempiere or iDempiere for new windows, let me know, and I can help.

This article assumes the following:

  1. You create a drafted bank statement at the beginning of each month.
  2. You update the drafted bank statement each day with payments and receipts that have cleared the bank.

Drafted Bank Statement Lines

The first task is to create a list of payments on drafted bank statement lines. Replace ‘yourco’ in the view name with your company’s name or abbreviation:

--create view yourco_rv_daily_bank_drafted as
select xbsl.c_payment_id 
from C_BankStatementLine xbsl
 inner join c_bankstatement xbs 
 on (xbsl.c_bankstatement_id = xbs.c_bankstatement_id)
where xbs.docstatus in ('DR','IP');

Get the Balances in the Bank Account Currency

The second task is to get your balances. Do not be intimidated by the size of the query.

--create or replace view yourco_rv_daily_bank_base as
select ba.ad_client_id, ba.ad_org_id,
 ba.created, ba.createdby,
 ba.updated, ba.updatedby,
 ba.accountno, round(ba.currentbalance,2) as currentbank_bal, 
 ba.c_currency_id as c_currency_id, 
 currencyConvert(xp.payamt, xp.C_Currency_ID, 
 ba.C_Currency_ID, xp.DateTrx, 
 null, xp.AD_Client_ID, xp.AD_Org_ID)
 from c_payment xp 
 where isreconciled = 'N' 
 and xp.docstatus = 'CO'
 and ba.c_bankaccount_id = xp.c_bankaccount_id
 and xp.isreceipt = 'N'
 and not exists
 (select * from yourco_rv_daily_bank_drafted dr 
 where xp.c_payment_id = dr.c_payment_id)
 ) as ap_noclear_norecon_bal,
 currencyConvert(xp.payamt, xp.C_Currency_ID, 
 ba.C_Currency_ID, xp.DateTrx, 
 null, xp.AD_Client_ID, xp.AD_Org_ID)
 from c_payment xp 
 where isreconciled = 'N' 
 and xp.docstatus = 'CO'
 and ba.c_bankaccount_id = xp.c_bankaccount_id
 and xp.isreceipt = 'N'
 and exists
 (select * from yourco_rv_daily_bank_drafted dr 
 where xp.c_payment_id = dr.c_payment_id)
 ) as ap_yesclear_norecon_bal,
 currencyConvert(xp.payamt, xp.C_Currency_ID, 
 ba.C_Currency_ID, xp.DateTrx, 
 null, xp.AD_Client_ID, xp.AD_Org_ID)
 from c_payment xp 
 where isreconciled = 'N' 
 and xp.docstatus = 'CO'
 and ba.c_bankaccount_id = xp.c_bankaccount_id
 and xp.isreceipt = 'Y'
 and not exists
 (select * from yourco_rv_daily_bank_drafted dr 
 where xp.c_payment_id = dr.c_payment_id)
 ) as ar_noclear_norecon_bal,
 currencyConvert(xp.payamt, xp.C_Currency_ID, 
 ba.C_Currency_ID, xp.DateTrx, 
 null, xp.AD_Client_ID, xp.AD_Org_ID)
 from c_payment xp 
 where isreconciled = 'N' 
 and xp.docstatus = 'CO'
 and ba.c_bankaccount_id = xp.c_bankaccount_id
 and xp.isreceipt = 'Y'
 and exists
 (select * from yourco_rv_daily_bank_drafted dr 
 where xp.c_payment_id = dr.c_payment_id)
 ) as ar_yesclear_norecon_bal
from c_bankaccount ba

Perform Simple Math

The purpose of this query is to perform some math and present the calculated balances:

--create view yourco_rv_daily_bank as
select ad_client_id, ad_org_id, created, createdby, updated, updatedby, c_currency_id,
 - ap_noclear_norecon_bal 
 + ar_noclear_norecon_bal 
 - ap_yesclear_norecon_bal 
 + ar_yesclear_norecon_bal 
 as total_bal,
from yourco_rv_daily_bank_base

Update in ADempiere

ADempiere only needs to know about the yourco_rv_daily_bank view. Import this view as a table, and present as a window. If you want assistance, let me know.

About Chuck Boecking: I am an ERP educator. I believe that open source ERP have achieved mainstream capabilities, and as a result, more companies can create greater efficiency across their organization. I started using the iDempiere code base in 2003. Back then, it was called Compiere. In 2006, I started my first multi-million dollar installation. Since then, ADempiere has helped me create great success with distribution and manufacturing companies all over the world. My vision of success is to find companies that can best use open source ERP to help them achieve a single, global instance that drives a discontinuous increase in profitability. I believe that organizations win when they own their technology.

If you have questions, comments or concerns, let me know. I definitely want your feedback.

You can contact me by phone using 512.850.6068.

My email is chuck@chuboe.com.

You can complete the form on this page.

Thank you for taking the time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Chuck Boecking




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